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Three Simple Tips on Getting Cheap Car Insurance

The law requires that you carry insurance on your vehicle. Prices for insurance can vary greatly between different insurance companies on their own but can also vary depending upon how much coverage your purchase, the amount of discounts that you are able to make use of, etc. Regardless of it being a requirement to carry auto insurance on your vehicle, that doesn’t mean that you have to spend every dime that you make in a week to pay for it.

There are several ways you can go about getting the cheapest possible insurance, but below, you’ll find three simple tips on getting cheap car insurance.

  1. Take Time to Compare – With a wide variety of insurance companies online and offline, it’s easier than ever to compare auto insurance rates. The importance when comparison shopping is to ensure that you are still getting the coverage that you need and is required even with the cheapest insurance quote.

    Go online to insurance companies as almost every company online offers free quotes. In addition, you can grab your local phone book and call up the area’s insurance companies and request a free quote over the phone. Finally, go to your friends and family members to see who they use, why and if they would recommend them.

    When comparing, make certain you are requesting identical coverage information; otherwise, the comparison won’t do any good.

  2. Increase Your Deductible – When an accident occurs, a claim will have to be filed. However, nothing will happen with this claim – no damages are paid for – until your deductible is paid in full. The larger your deductible the less your auto premium will be each month.

    The only thing with this is to make certain that if an accident were to occur that you would have no problem paying the deductible. For example, if you raise your deductible from $250 up to $1,000, make sure that you can afford to pay the deductible when and if the time comes. In addition, if you are still paying on your vehicle, the bank may require that you carry a certain deductible on your vehicle until the note is paid in full.

  3. Take Advantage of the Discounts – There are a number of available discounts that a vehicle owner can take advantage of through their insurance company. If you consolidate all of your insurance policies – home, auto, life – with one company, you’ll receive a discount. Most insurance companies will also offer multi-vehicle discounts so you can receive a discount if you insure more than one vehicle on the same policy. If you don’t have some type of anti-theft device on your vehicle, you are missing out on receiving a discount for it.

While there are many ways that you can obtain cheap car insurance, these are three simple tips that will get you the coverage you need while not breaking the bank.